Comprehensive Guide to Electrical Transmission Towers

Comprehensive Guide to Electrical Transmission Towers

In this article, we delve into the world of electrical transmission towers, exploring their types, designs, components, and the pivotal role they play in power transmission systems. These towers are crucial for transmitting bulk power from generating stations to grid substations and eventually to end users.

What is a Transmission Tower?

Also known as power transmission towers, power towers, or electricity pylons, these structures support overhead power lines. They are engineered to carry high-voltage transmission lines safely over vast distances, from generating stations to electrical substations, and then onto the end users via distribution lines.

Their design is a complex engineering feat involving civil, mechanical, and electrical concepts to ensure they can withstand natural calamities while maintaining a safe height from the ground.

Components of a Transmission Tower

A typical Extra High Tension (EHT) transmission tower comprises several key parts, including:

  • Peak: The top part, above the top cross arm, holding an earth shield wire.
  • Cross Arm: Holds the transmission conductors, varying in size with the voltage levels.
  • Cage: The section between the tower body and the peak, holding the cross arms.
  • Tower Body: The span from the bottom cross arm to the ground, providing necessary height for clearance.
  • Legs: The foundation that supports the tower, which can vary in number based on design needs.
  • Stub/Anchor Bolt and Base Plate Assembly: Anchors the entire structure to the ground.

Types and Design of Transmission Towers

Transmission towers are categorized based on the angle of deviation they accommodate, with four main types identified. Their design ensures the safe transmission of high-voltage power, both in AC (Alternating Current) and HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) configurations, across varied landscapes.

AC vs. HVDC Transmission

While AC transmission lines are designed for high voltage, HVDC systems offer unique configurations, like monopole or bipolar systems, catering to specific transmission needs. The distinction also extends to railway overhead lines, which resemble AC three-phase lines but are tailored for single-phase AC railway traction.

Specialized Tower Types

To accommodate specific environmental and operational needs, certain towers are uniquely designed:

  • River Crossing Towers: Engineered for stability and height over water bodies.
  • Railway/Highway Crossing Towers: Designed to ensure safe distances above traffic routes.
  • Transposition Towers: Used to rotate the phase positions of conductors to balance system impedance.

Emergency Restoration System (ERS)

ERS structures provide a rapid response capability to restore service after damage caused by environmental factors or other disruptions, enabling quick and safe temporary bypass of affected areas.

Transmission Tower Designs

Transmission towers come in various designs, with the two most common being:

  • Lattice Steel Towers (LST): Composed of bolted or welded steel frameworks.
  • Tubular Steel Poles (TSP): Made from hollow steel poles, either as single pieces or assembled from multiple sections.

Design Considerations

Prior to designing a tower, several specifications must be evaluated, including:

  • Voltage and circuit number.
  • Conductor and insulator types.
  • Potential for future circuit additions.
  • Transmission line tracing and tower site selection.
  • Conductor configuration and tower height selection.

Tower Height Determination

The height of a tower is a critical design element, influenced by factors such as ground clearance, sag, conductor spacing, and the vertical distance between the earth wire and the top conductor.


The design and construction of each tower are intricately linked to its intended function, requiring thorough planning and analysis to meet operational demands effectively.